Juan Monjo Carrió www.tensinet.com/database/
Graduated from the ETS of Architecture of Madrid where he gets the degree of Architect 1971. Master of Architecture from de University of Illinois, USA 1972. Doctor in architecture UPM, 1977. University Professor 1982. Principal of the construction and technology department of the Technical School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain. Between1988 to 1996. until 2003 was Principal of the Textile architecture Seminar at the Construction and Technology department of the ETSA de Madrid. Now Days Is Principal at the Eduardo Torrojas Institute for Construction Sciences.

Selected Publications:
• Industrialize Building Systems. Juan Monjo Carrió.
• Typology Analysis of Building Systems. Juan Monjo Carrió, Leopoldo Arnáiz Eguren.
• Pathology of Urban Facades. Department of construction ETSAV (team director).
• Introduction to Textile Architecture, Juan Monjo Carrió.
• Pathology of Facades and architectonic finishes, Juan Monjo Carrió.
• Rehabilitation Treaty (five volumes) (Team Director).
• Architecture and Construction Dictionary, (Team Director).
• Pathology and Intervention Techniques, Juan Monjó Carrió, Luis Maldonado Ramos.

Magazine articles:
• The Munich Olympic City, Building Analysis. Juan Monjo Carrió.
• The Building Design, a geometric and physic-mechanic problem, Juan Monjo Carrió.

Magazine: Estudios e Investigaciones.
• Textile Architecture. Juan Monjo Carrió. Informes de la Construcción # 367.
• Inflatable roof for the ETSA of Valladolid. Juan Monjo Carrió, Revista Informes de la Construcción # 381.
• Proposal for Building System Evaluation Method. Juan Monjo Carrió, Revista Informes de la Construcción #385.
• Quality Control of Prefabricated Concrete Elements. Juan Monjo Carrió.
• Textile Architecture. Juan Monjo Carrió. Class notes.
• Handbook for the technical surveys of Buildings, Juan Monjo Carrió, Luis Maldonado Ramos.
• Pathology and intervention techniques on Architectonic Structures, Juan Monjó Carrió, Luis Maldonado Ramos.
• Pathology of architectonic finishes and enclosures. Juan Monjo Carrió.


Foldable Roof for House Da Ribeira, Marco de Canavesses, Oporto, 1996.

Burjasot Public Square Canopies, Valencia, Spain.

Foldable central roof for the Zaragoza Bullfight Arena, Spain.

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